Nuggets to Change Your World! (2 Timothy 2:5)

The Bible tells us, “And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue (the Greek word “arete” which means “moral excellence”), and to virtue knowledge;” (II Pet. 1:5).  Here the Word of God clearly tells us that after we are born again, the first thing we should begin to add to our faith is character!  Yet in our charismatic circles, many times that is the last thing we add to our faith.  We seem to put more of a premium on charisma than character!

Why does the Holy Spirit tell us through this verse that character is the number one thing we should begin to add to our faith? We are a product of our choices.  Our choices create our character and then our character creates our choicesInitially, you “choose”…to become who you are.  Eventually you “choose”…out of who you are!  This can be either a vicious or victorious cycle propelling you to a lifetime of sorrow or success!

Remember this…choose your choices wisely, as your choices will choose your character, then your character will choose your choices!