Nuggets to Change Your World! (2 Timothy 2:5)

nuggets11The Bible tells us, “As we therefore have opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto those who are of the household of faith” (Gal. 6:10).  In the kingdom of God, relationships are so vital yet they are so misunderstood.  If you want to determine the true value of any relationship…measure it’s contribution to your victory!  However, lest we become self-centered, the flip-side is also true.  If you want to determine the value of your relationship to others…measure your contribution to their victory!

This revealing relationship “measuring stick” will tell you how truly valuable a relationship is or isn’t to you.  Therefore, you should appreciate it or depreciate accordingly.  Conversely, it will also tell you how truly valuable you are or aren’t to others in your life!

Ask yourself honestly, “How much am I contributing to my pastor’s victory?”  Ask yourself honestly, “How much am I contributing to other’s victory?”  Make yourself more valuable to others and others will begin to make themselves more valuable to you!  Sow value into your relationships with others and you’ll reap a harvest of value into yours!  Remember this…what you make happen for others, God will make happen for you (Eph. 6:8)!