26 Feb Nuggets to Change Your World! (2 Timothy 2:5)
Do you know you will always rise or compromise to the level of your association?! The Bible tells us, “He that walketh with wise men shall be wise, but a companion of fools shall be destroyed” (Prov. 13:20). Show me your three best friends and I’ll show you…you! If I can spend 30 minutes with your three closest associations and never having met you, I’ll have a pretty good handle on you.
You see, association is a vital key to your success or lack thereof. Association should give you motivation for your destination! There are four groups of people that will push you backwards in life:
1. Those who don’t accept your assignment
2. Those who don’t respect your assignment
3. Those who don’t protect your assignment
4. Those who don’t expect you to fulfill your assignment
Conversely, there are four groups of people who will propel you forward in life:
1. Those who accept your assignment
2. Those who respect your assignment
3. Those who protect your assignment
4. Those who expect you to fulfill your assignment
(Now please don’t misunderstand me here…it is imperative to receive godly counsel, even if that counsel is correction. However, never receive correction from a critic…only a mentor.)
Always associate with those who help you see your objectives not just your obstacles! Always associate with those who help you see your Canaan land grapes not just your Canaan land giants!
I used to play quite a bit of tennis (until I took up shark fishing!) and I discovered if I only played with those I could easily beat, I’d have a big ego but a weak tennis game. In order to improve, I had to play with those who were higher caliber tennis players. Spiritual dynamics are much the same…why not find associations that will help you improve your “serve”!