16 Apr How to Have an Affair (Stuck and Lovin’ It) Part 3
Over the last couple of weeks, we have began to discuss 12 Actions to Ascertain and Affair. This week, let’s continue…
4. Allow attractive to become attraction (Jer. 31:1).
In our ever-growing church, there are lots of attractive women (for the most part, the men are pretty ugly!). Seriously, there is nothing wrong with finding something or someone attractive. Our sin begins when we allow attractive to become attraction! Someone once said, “I look at the menu…I just don’t order.” The problem with that thought process is this…if you look at the menu long enough, eventually you will order (see Matthew 5:28-29). You see, what you continually view, you’ll eventually pursue. What gets your attention…gets you!
We have a professional boxer in our church, so a bunch of guys in our church went to see his fight. I was one of them. Traditionally at boxing matches they have what are called “ring girls” who parade around the ring in between rounds announcing the upcoming round. They are always very scantily clad. I watched our men as these young ladies paraded around…I was so proud of them. It was almost comical as they would look down or at the person next to them or at their watch, but never at the girls! I truly don’t believe they were doing this just because their pastor was there, as most did not know I was watching them! They understood this principle…don’t let attractive become attraction!
Remember this, thoughts are much like birds. You may not be able to stop them from flying over your head, but you sure can stop them from nesting there!
Next week we’ll continue our discussion on “How to Have an Affair”.