14 May How to Have an Affair (Stuck and Lovin’ It) Part 7
A while back, I watched a famous politician publicly admit to having an affair. While his wife was walking through breast cancer, he was walking to a hotel to commit adultery! When questioned by a reporter as to why he did this, he replied that he felt “above the law”. In the social climate he was in and with the power he wielded, he felt like he could do anything and get away with it. The problem with that thought process is three-fold:
- Pride goes before a fall (see Prov. 18:12)
- The hidden things eventually come to light (see I Cor. 4:5)
- Your sin will find you out
If you don’t believe this, just ask King David (see II Samuel 11-12)! Over the last couple of weeks we began our discussion by giving you 12 Actions to Ascertain an Affair:
1. Drift in your walk with God (Lk 10:38-42)
2. Think it can never happen to you (I Cor. 10:12)
3. Allow a little marital drift (Rev. 2:5)
4. Allow attractive to become attraction (Job 31:1)
5. Compare your spouse with another (II Cor. 10:12)
6. Disconnect with your spouse regularly (I Cor. 7:1-5)
7. Make sure you regularly walk by the person you are attracted to (Rom. 13:14)
8. Dress and work out with them in mind
9. Throw out little verbal “feelers”
10. Steal away for clandestine lunches (John 3:19-21)
11. Have sex
12. Lie to yourself
Now that we stopped that adulterous snowball from rolling down the hill of our marriage, let’s strengthen our marriage. Let’s discuss “9 Standards to be ‘Stuck & Lovin’ it!”
- Love Jesus even more than your spouse (Eccl. 4:9-12).
Earlier in this series, I revealed a very juicy secret to all of you. I shared with you that my wife and I were having an affair…with each other! I am now going to reveal two even juicier secrets to you:
- My wife loves another man more than she loves me!
- I love another man more than her!
Now, before my in-laws rush from Tulsa to rescue Anne, please let me share with you this Man’s name…Jesus!
The Bible tells us that a “three-fold cord is not easily broken” (see Eccl. 4:9-12). The biblical picture painted here is my wife and I holding hands, and with our other hand, holding onto Jesus. When you were a child did you ever play “red rover”? You remember the game. There would be a line of children holding hands and they would call out “Red rover, red rover, let Jimmy come over.” Then wild little Jimmy would try to bust through the weakest link in the line! When we put Jesus first in the “red rover” of our marriage, our marriage is very difficult to “bust through”.
You see, my wife doesn’t make me happy! (“Boy, Pastor Jim, you sure are revealing a lot of church scandals in this series!”) No, listen closely to what I just said! I didn’t say I wasn’t happy with Anne…to the contrary, we have one of the best marriages around! I said she didn’t make me happy. My happiness comes from my relationship with Jesus (see Psalm 144:15)! God did not create human beings with the capacity to make you happy long-term. If you try to extricate something from someone who doesn’t have the capacity to give it to you…you will only frustrate yourself and them! Remember this, when you give the reigns of your emotional well-being over to anyone other than the Lord…they will always steer you in the wrong direction!
Next week we’ll continue our series on “How to Have an Affair!”