How to Have an Affair (Stuck and Lovin’ It!) Part 10


Over the last number of weeks, we have been discussing Nine Standards to be “Stuck and Lovin’ It!”  This week, let’s continue…

6.  Remind yourself of the consequences of adultery (Job 31:12, Prov. 6:24-35).

While my primary motivation to prevent adultery in my life is my love for Jesus and my love for my wife, I will semi-regularly remind myself of adulterous consequences!  I will borrow the emotional pain of tomorrow’s imaginary adultery and bring it into my today.  In other words, I will imagine the pain in the eyes of my wife and my child and my congregation if I had to confess adultery to them…there is no temporary gratification that is worth that!

7.  Continue Courting (Mark 10:7-9).

Here the Bible tells us, “For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh.  What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.”  This verse is a quote from Genesis and the word “cleave” literally means “the chase is still on”.  In other words, regularly set aside some time for dating, flirting and romance…with your spouse!  I regularly flirt with my wife.  I will chase her up the stairs while endeavoring to pinch her.  What am I doing…continuing courting!

Don’t allow Satan, or your kids, or poor health, or lack of time, or lack of exercise…steal your sex life!  God ordained your sex life with your spouse to be:

1)      A time of intimacy

2)      A time of physical enjoyment

3)      A release of stress and pressure

4)      A prevention of temptation (I Cor. 7:5)

Remember this, when you are dating, the devil will do all he can to get you to have sex.  When you are married, he will do all he can to get you to stop!

8.      Never compare your spouse to another mentally or verbally (II Cor. 10:12).

“If she was just more like so and so at church.”  “If he was more like my high school sweetheart.”  “If she just looked more like this air-brushed image on my computer.”  These mental comparisons are an absolute waste of time!  Remember this, your 18-year old high school sweetheart is now 40 and uglier than you (which is really saying something!)!

9.      Regularly remind yourself of Proverbs 18:22!

Here the Bible says, “Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favor of the Lord.”  Regularly confess before God and your spouse that he/she is my “good thing.”

Whether you are on your first marriage or fifth marriage…let’s make it your last marriage!  Let’s be “Stuck & Lovin’ it!”