Wall Street or Gold Street…which one are you trusting in? Part 2


Last week we began our series and shared with you “8 Principles to Prosper in Recessionary Times”:

    1. Tithing (Prov. 3:9-10), Heb. 7:1-8).

This week, let’s continue…

    2. Budgeting (Prov. 21:5).

I apologize upfront for using the “b” word.  Please allow me to use an alternative phrase that may be a bit more palatable… “strategic financial planning”.  While certainly this may vary slightly from household to household, here is a sample of “strategic financial planning” that may be of service to you:

  • 10% to God
  • 10% to savings
  • 60% to expenses
  • 20% to fun

Many think 20% to fun is too high, but when you are happy you are more creative.  When you are more creative you solve problems.  When you solve problems you will be rewarded!  While I realize it may not presently be possible for you to follow this “strategic financial planning”…it is a goal you can work towards!  It is so important to record your income and outgo meticulously.  Even down to the little—Starbucks adds up!

In the circles I run in, I see many people who understand tithing and offering, giving and receiving, but they don’t understand other wisdom principles concerning their finances.  For a Christian I don’t believe you can prosper long-term without tithing, but I do believe you can tithe and not prosper.  I’ve seen it over and over again because believers are ignoring other wisdom keys that are necessary for long-term prosperity!

As we navigate through the seas of “challenging” economic times, remember this…if your outgo is more than your income, then your upkeep will be your downfall!


Next week we’ll continue our series on “Wall Street or Gold Street…which one are you trusting in?”