Wall Street or Gold Street… which one are you trusting in? Part 3

Don’t participate in the recession!  The Bible calls you an ambassador for Christ (see II Cor. 5:20).  An ambassador’s supply always comes from the country that sends him not the country he is in!  The Bible also tells us you are in this world but not of this world (see John 17:16).  Therefore your supply is not tied to this economy but the economy of heaven!  Heaven does not need bailing out!

The Bible also tells us, “Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not high-minded nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy” (I Tim. 6:17).  The Word of God further tells us, “Riches and honor are with me, yea durable riches and righteousness” (Prov. 8:18).  In the world system you have “uncertain riches”, in God’s economy there are “durable riches”.   Which one would you rather have?

At the end of 2008 I truly believe the Lord put on my heart Psalm 115:14 which says, “You shall increase more and more, and your children.”  I shared this with our church and my family and we have been standing on this scripture ever since.  Both personally and ministerially, in spite of the economy, we have had the three best successive financial months of our lives!  I truly believe you can too!

Over the last couple of weeks we began our series and shared with you “8 Principles to Prosper in Recessionary Times”:

  1. Tithing (Prov. 3:9-10), Heb. 7:1-8).
  2. Budgeting (Prov. 21:5).

This week let’s continue…

  1. Working (II thes. 3:10, Prov. 10:4).


There is a huge difference between your job and your work:

Your Job                                                                  Your Work

-What you do                                                -What you were born to do

-Use your secondary gift                            -Use your primary gift

-Learn character                                          -Earn success

I have worked many “jobs” in my lifetime.  I remember working at a Christian school many years ago.  I taught math (there are adults who used to be my students running around out there who can barely count to 10 because of this), gym class and chapel.  With math and gym class I was using a secondary gift.  With chapel I was using my primary gift.  However, I learned character with the first two.  You see, the Bible tells us a man’s gift will make room for him (Prov. 18:16), but you need character to keep you where your gift will take you.

Many times we have to have “jobs” we don’t like to get to our “work” which we do like!  When it comes to your job, remember this…you are not working for your boss, you are working for your God (Ps. 75:6-7).  Remember this also, you are not working for a living, you are working for a giving (Eph. 4:29).  Treat the job you have like the one you want!

Next week we’ll continue our series, “Wall Street or Gold Street…which one are you trusting in?”