Wall Street or Gold Street…which one are you trusting in? Part 6


Over the last two weeks we began our series and shared with you “8 Principles to Prosper in Recessionary Times”:

  1. Tithing (Prov. 3:9-10, Heb. 7:1-8)
  2. Budgeting (Prov. 21:5)
  3. Working (II Thes. 3:10, Prov. 10:4)
  4. Thinking (Prov. 21:5)
  5. Producing (Matt. 25:14-30).

This week, let’s continue…

6. Investing (Rom. 12:4-5).


I’m not talking about in stocks or bonds (although I think that’s fine) I’m talking about investing in yourself!  Invest in your strength zone.  Our church just spent a large sum of money sending two of our children’s ministers and our youth pastors to conferences in their field.  Why?  We are investing in our children by investing in them and our kids are worth it!


When it comes to your character, work on your weaknesses.  When it comes to your gifting…work on your strengths!  People don’t pay for average.  I have never been mechanically inclined.  On a scale of 1-10 with “10” being Mr. Monkey Wrench…I am a negative “2”!  Now I could go down to the community college and take a course on auto repair and maybe, just maybe, get to a “5” in my skills.  People don’t pay for average.


I mentioned Pastor Dave earlier in this series and how faithful he is.  Well Pastor Dave is notorious in Joy church for being a horrible singer!  If you would like to know how he sings, simply find a cat and kick it as hard as you can.  The noise that emanates from the cat is just a little better than Pastor Dave’s singing abilities.  Pastor Dave could take singing lessons for six months from my wife and maybe, just maybe, could become a 4 or 5.  However, people don’t pay for average!


Discover what you are passionate about and your God-given skill set (i.e. what you are good at) and invest in it!  Please make sure your skill set matches your passion.  If you don’t believe this is important, I have two words…American Idol!  Buy a book, take a course, find a mentor, listen to a CD, go to a conference.  Invest in yourself!  If you are presently a “7” and you invest in your God-given strength zone and become a “9” or “10”…people will pay for a 9 or 10!


Remember this, don’t be a know it all, be a “learn it all”!  Leaders are learners!  Next week we’ll continue our series on “Wall Street or Gold Street”.