IHOP (International House of Prayer) That’s Not on the Menu – Isaiah 43:26 Part 4

Over the last number of weeks we have begun a series of teachings on “International House of Prayer”.  We have already laid down a foundation for prayer as we discussed “May I have your order, please?”  In the last few weeks, we began “That’s not on the Menu” and contained within this we gave “Two Principles to a Powerful Prayer Life”:

Principle #1…Don’t pray the problem (Heb. 4:15-16).

Principle #2…Win with the Word (II Chron. 16:9, Jer. 1:12).

This week, let’s continue…

Please allow me to share with you three principles why God does not respond to problems:

  1. God goes where He’s invited not where He’s needed (see Heb. 4:15-16).

Someone said, “Where was God when the planes crashed into the twin towers on 9-11?”  The same place He always was when we kicked Him out of our schools and courts, etc…waiting to be invited in!

  1. God has to have legal entrance into the earth (II Cor. 4:4).

God originally gave Adam the “lease” to this earth. When Adam bowed his knee to the devil in spiritual “high treason” he “sub-leased” it to the devil.  God is a compassionate God but He is also just.  He is not a trespasser.  He is waiting to be invited on your property.

  1. God is not a rewarder of bad behavior.

Let me give you an example.  Let’s say a dad gambled all his family’s money away.  Now there is obviously a need.  Now to meet that need God would put Himself into a position of reinforcing the devil and rewarding bad behavior.  The good news is if that same dad would truly repent and stand on the promises of God, God would begin to move on that man’s behalf.  Aren’t you glad we don’t receive from God based on what we’ve done but based on what He’s done!

You see, the sooner I learn to order from the menu, the quicker I’ll get help!  It’s amazing, people can tell you all about the soap opera “Days of our Lives”.  They can recite Oprah’s top 10 book list.  They can give you all kinds of stats concerning their favorite sports team, but they barely quote one scripture!  Many want a harvest in prayer without sowing the seed of God’s Word.

The Bible tells us, “If you abide in me and my Word abides in you, you can ask what you will and it will be done unto you” (John 15:7).  You see, many people have faith in prayer but get no results because they don’t know God’s Word on the subject of prayer!  The Word will save you!  The Word is the answer!  The Word is your victory!  God’s Word is His part of your prayer life!

Don’t pray the problem…win with the Word and order from the menu!