IHOP (International House of Prayer) Worship Sandwich Part 2

Last week we began discussing “Six Wonders of Worship”:

1. God is seeking worhippers. (John 4:23)


This week, let’s continue…

2. Worship requires respect (Ps. 112:1,      Gen. 17 & 18, Rev. 1:10-17).


The Bible tells us, “Praise ye the Lord, blessed is the man that feareth (the Hebrew here means to respect or revere) the Lord that delighteth greatly in his commandments.”  In other words, our worship requires respect.  Abraham was called a friend of God and God appeared to him on seven different occasions, yet Abraham bowed to His Friend (see Gen. 17-18).  John, the beloved, was also Jesus’ friend (see John 15:15).  Yet when Jesus appeared to John in all His glory John was quick to bow (see Rev. 1:10-17).


Now please don’t mistake me this is not some fearful religious trip to the Wizard of Oz!  The Bible tells us, “Come boldly to the throne of grace to obtain mercy and find grace in a time of need” (Heb. 4:16).  You see, God is both your Daddy and the Awesome God!  Jesus is both your Best Friend and the King of Kings!  Therefore a balance of both friendly intimacy and healthy respect is required.  If you listen to me pray in one of our church services, I will almost always end my prayer this way, “In the name of my Lord and Best Friend, Jesus…Amen.”  I pray this way because I want to remind myself and the congregation of the proper balance of relationship and respect.


If you were invited to visit the President of the United States or the Queen of England, before you could come into close contact with them you would be schooled on the proper protocol to enter their presence.  Similarly, the Bible spells out very clearly the protocol as we enter into His presence.  In other words, there are ways to give God praise:


12 Praise Protocols


1)      Uplifted hands (I Tim. 2:8, Ps. 134:1-2).

2)      Clapping of the hands (Ps. 47:1-2).

3)      Praise with instruments (Ps. 150, Eph. 5:19-20).

4)      Singing (Eph. 5:19-20).

5)      Dancing (II Samuel 6, Acts 15:16).

6)      Bowing (Ps. 95:6).

7)      Praise with a loud voice (Acts 16:25).

8)      Praise with a quiet voice (Ps. 46:10).

9)      Exuberance and Joy (Ps. 100:1-5).


Remember this, His presence is only a worship away!  Next week we’ll continue our series!