14 Jan IHOP (International House of Prayer) Worship Sandwich Part 3
When you think of “eternal life” what comes immediately to mind? Streets of gold, the throne of God, the gates of pearl? The Bible tells us clearly what eternal life is all about, “This is life eternal to know God and His one true Son, Jesus Christ” (John 17:3). The Greek word “know” in this verse does not mean know about…it implies an intimate knowing. If you want to enjoy eternal life right now…spend some time being intimate with Him! One of the greatest ways to do that is through thanksgiving, praise and worship!
Over the last couple of weeks we began our series with “Six Wonders of Worship”:
- God is seeking worshippers (John 4:23).
- Worship requires respect (Ps. 112:1, Gen. 17-18, Rev. 1:10-17).
This week, let’s continue:
- Worship is not wimpy (Acts 13:22)!
When we think of worship (particularly for us men) we think of weak effeminate men lifting their hands and singing with high voices! However, if you study the life of David you will find that he was a worshipper and anything but a wimp! David had many manly characteristics:
- David was a man of courage
- David was not afraid of 9-foot giants!
- David was rugged, tough and brave
- David was a man of honor
- David led mighty men
- David was a great king
- David was a worshipper
It was those characteristics that drew the roughest, toughest, strongest and most brave men to David’s side. Just one of David’s men actually killed 300 men in battle. Three of David’s men discovered David wanted a certain kind of water and fought their way into the Philistine camp and back out again to get it without even spilling a drop! There was something about David that inspired these types of men to follow him! David was clearly a man’s man yet David unashamedly worshipped our God. David boldly danced before the Lord in II Samuel 6 and 72 of the 150 psalms begin with praise!
I believe that true manhood begins when we can bow our hearts and boldly declare our love and adoration for our King! Worship is not wimpy!
Next week, we’ll continue our series.