IHOP (International House of Prayer) Cancel that order! Part 4

Over the last several weeks we have been discussing “Four considerations that will either cause you to cancel or keep your order”:

  1. What you continually mind you eventually find (James 1:5-8).
  2. What continually comes out of your mouth will eventually go south (Mark 11:23)
  3. What you continually see you will eventually be (Mark 14:25-33).

This week, let’s continue:

  1. What you continually say, will eventually stay (Prov. 18:21).

Circumstances can go from good to bad or bad to good at any given moment.  However, when you speak God’s Word, you are giving voice to God’s Word to change your circumstances.  “Pastor Jim, do you mean words can change a person’s life?!”  Sure…when God wanted to change a person’s life He would change their name.  Abram was called “Abraham” (which means “father of many nations”) years before he became a father!  “Yes, but Pastor Jim, I don’t know if I can beat doubt.”  Sure you can!  You can beat it every time!  All you need is the right tools.  I remember many years ago when I first started fishing for shark.  I tied into a rare six foot thresher (thresher sharks jump high into the air when hooked…at the time I did not have the proper tools and he easily broke my line.  Now I have a 14 foot pole and 130 pound line…I now have the tools to catch shamu!)

Even if you have difficulty controlling your mind…you are troubled, worried, fearful or anxious, you do have the right tools to stop doubt.  It is the hole under your nose!  Your mouth is the gate to your heart.  Your mouth is the key to your heart.  God’s Word in your mouth can stop any doubt dead in its tracts!  When your mind is raging out of control…control your mind with your mouth!  Don’t try to fight bad thoughts with good thoughtsFight bad thoughts with God’s Word!

Remember this, your mouth will always capture your mind!  Believe and receive or doubt and do without!  Don’t’ cancel that order!