08 Apr Heroes…why not you? (Hebrews 12:1-3) Part 6
Over the last number of weeks, we have taken a look at a true Bible hero…Joseph. We then began to “mine” some
“Jewels from Joseph”:
Jewel #1…The greater the dream the greater the opposition (Gen. 37:5).
Jewel #2…Those who don’t have your dream won’t have your reaction (Gen. 37:5)!
Jewel #3…Learn to recognize the hand of God on people (Gen. 39:3-4).
Jewel #4…Fight to keep yourself morally pure (Gen. 39:7-9).
This week let’s continue:
Jewel #5…Learn to be an observer of men (Gen. 40:6-7).
In the aforementioned verses Joseph, rather than begin absorbed in his own problems, noticed both the butler and baker looked sad. This of course led to Joseph’s ministry of the interpretation of their dreams. This initiated the long journey to Joseph’s major promotion. Remember this, people work is always more important than paper work.
I remember when Anne and I lived in Charlotte many years ago. We were at a restaurant enjoying a nice meal with a pastor friend of mine. I noticed that our waitress looked a little discouraged. Since it was just a few days before Christmas I simply asked her what she was going to do for Christmas. She replied, “Nothing. I don’t have any family in the area.” This was the perfect cue from the Holy Spirit to minister to her. In just a brief period of time, she completely opened up to Anne and me. We then had the wonderful opportunity to lead her to Jesus. She grabbed hands with us and boldly prayed out loud to receive Jesus right there in front of all of her co-workers and customers!
Remember this, don’t’ always rush to your office to get your work done and pass it by in the halls…people!
Jewel #6…Savor Serving (Gen. 39:4).
It’s never the private who hates being a private that gets to be a general! It’s never the five dollar an hour worker who hates ever hour that gets to be a millionaire! We must savor serving right where we are on the way to where God wants us to be!
I watch young ministers and they strongly desire to walk in a successful pastor’s harvest. Most of the time they don’t know the “seeds of serving” that had to be sown to reap the harvest of ministry! I understand this principle well. My first job in the ministry was mowing the lawn at a local church. I did that so well I graduated to taking out the garbage. I ministered at nursing homes, jails and government projects…places few others wanted to go. We must not be like the two little kids fighting over pancakes at the breakfast table. Their mother told them, “Jesus would put His brother first.” The older little boy then looked at his younger brother and said, “You be Jesus.”
When we first started Joy Church we asked our Dean of Women, Paula Goldner, to be our “Joy Kidz” children’s ministry coordinator. At the time she was having some challenges with her son…nothing major, just issues that go along with a pre-teen. I watched Paula sow seeds of ministry into the lives of many young boys and girls and then reap a harvest of spiritual growth in her son!
Remember this, don’t be need-minded be seed-minded! Whatever you make happen for another God will make happen for you!