Heroes…why not you? (Hebrews 12:1-3) Part 10

Let me quickly remind you over the last number of weeks we have asked you to consider three things from Hebrews 12:1-3:

  1. Consider them (the Hebrews 11 heroes of the Old Testament)!
  2. Consider Him (our Ultimate Hero…Jesus Christ)!
  3. Consider yourself (incorporate heroic qualities from their lives into ours)!

We have also discussed the vivid difference between celebrities and heroes:

  1. Celebrities are visible.  Heroes are useable.
  2. Celebrities are characters.  Heroes have character.
  3. Celebrities are popular.  Heroes are powerful.
  4. Celebrities speak of change.  Heroes usher in change.

We have also taken a look at another true Bible hero…Joseph.  We then began to “mine” some “Jewels from Joseph”:

Jewel #1:  The greater the dream, the greater the opposition (Gen. 37:5).

Jewel #2:  Those who don’t have your dream won’t have your reaction!  (Gen. 37:5)

Jewel #3:  Learn to recognize the hand of God on people (Gen. 39:3-4).

Jewel #4:  Fight to keep yourself morally pure (Gen. 39:7-9).

Jewel #5:  Learn to be an observer of men (Gen. 40:6-7).

Jewel #6:  Savor Serving (Gen. 39:4).

Jewel #7:  Never play the blame game as it will keep you in the posture of a victim (Gen. 40:14-15).

Jewel #8:  Think, speak and act to where you are going, not to where you already are (Gen. 41:14).

This week let’s continue…

Jewel #9…You are simply one person away from where you need to be (Gen. 41:14).

After being in prison for two years, Pharaoh’s butler finally remembered his old “prison pal”, Joseph, and his ability to interpret dreams.  I have always been amazed at how God will send (at just the right time) a “Divine connection” into your life to get you where He wants you to be!

I remember many years ago when my dad was looking for work.  I was on staff at a church with a woman whose father was looking for a man to run his company in Johnson City, Tennessee.  Through this “divine connection”, my father became President of the company.  Just a few months later this re-positioning opened up the door for me to become a youth pastor at the new church where he was attending!

Don’t get caught however, in the trap of always looking for your divine connection…look to be someone else’s divine connection!  What you make happen for others, God will make happen for you!  Remember this…you are only one person away from your palace!

Jewel #10…Never give up on your dream.

Did you notice that Joseph had more “give-ups” than “go-ons”?  When Joseph was thrown into slavery that was a “give-up”.  When Joseph went to Potiphar’s house, that was a “go-on”.  When Joseph was thrown into prison…that was a “give-up”.  Interestingly, when Joseph went into slavery and prison the Bible records “God was with him” (see Gen. 39:2,21).  The Bible does not say this when he went into the palace.  Remember this, when we achieve our dreams is usually not when we need reminded that “God is with us.”  It’s when we conceive our dreams that we need to be reminded.  Your God-given dream is worth any fight and any price.  Never give up on your dream!