Why Should I? (Learning to see yourself as God see you!) Gal. 3:11 Part 2

Last week we began discussing how important it is to see yourself how God sees you. This week, let’s discover how to do that together!

4 Standards to See from God’s Sight!

1)  See it!

The first thing we must do is see ourselves “in Christ”.  As Christians we casually banter this term about with one another without really knowing what it means.  It’s almost become “Christianese”.  “In Christ” is how God sees you because of what Jesus has done.  You see, there is never a moment that God doesn’t look at you through Jesus’ accomplishments.  The Bible tells us, “But of Him are you in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom and righteousness and sanctification and redemption” (I Cor. 1:30).  Because you are in Christ, anytime God looks at you, He sees you as wise, righteous, sanctified and redeemed!  “Well, I don’t feel very wise, righteous, sanctified and redeemed.”  You see, you are basing your feelings on what you have or haven’t accomplished instead of what He has accomplished for you!

One day I asked the Lord, “Give me your definition of deception.”  I truly believe the Lord spoke to my spirit and said, “Deception is the inability to properly see yourself.”  The Bible tells us, “Awake to righteousness and sin not” (I Cor. 15:34).  In other words, when we awake to who we are in Christ, it enhances our ability to keep from sinning!  That is why it’s so easy for most Christians to sin.  We don’t know who we are.  For years it has been drilled into us that “We are all sinners saved by grace.”  Therefore if I am still a sinner, of course I will sin.  After all, that is my identity.  The truth is that you were a sinner but now you are a saint (see II Cor. 5:21).  When we identify with who God made us, then we’ll begin to act that way.  That’s why there is nothing so miserable as a Christian who sins…as they are not acting like who they are!

Can you see how vital it is to see yourself how God sees you?  There is no one so blind as a person who will not see.  You see, there is something worse than being blind…having sight with no vision!  Remember this, your outward circumstances will never out-perform your inward portrait!  If you have an oasis on the inside…you bloom in a desert!