Why Should I? (Learning to See Yourself as God Sees You!) Gal. 3:11 Part 9

 Last week we discussed “Why Should I?”

  1. Why should I say “I can’t” when the Bible says, “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me”!
  2. Why should I fear when God has not given me a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind?!
  3. Why should I be weak when the Lord is the strength of my life (Ps. 27:1, Eph. 6:10)?!

This week let’s continue…

4. Why should I lack when God supplies all my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus (Phil. 4:19)?!

With the bible school and church growing so much, I am starting to get well known in the community. As a result, I actually have two stalkers that have been following me everywhere I go! I have actually taken out a restraining order on them. This restraining order is a bit different, however, as it restrains them to stay with me! My stalkers names are “goodness and mercy”! The Bible tells us “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life…” (Ps. 23:6)!

Start expecting your own stalkers “goodness and mercy” to follow you too and every once and awhile stop and let them jump on you! Learn to expect the favor of God in your life. The Bible tells us we are “…compassed about as a shield with favor” (Ps. 5:12). My definition of favor is the transference of another’s credibility to you.

I read a story about a very prominent lawyer who had a very rich clientele. This lawyer had taken a young protégé under his wings for a number of years. Finally this young protégé was set to start his own practice. The prominent lawyer asked him to accompany him to one last big case assuring the young man that this is what he would need to begin a successful practice. After many days when the famous lawyer had won yet another trial and they were both at the press conference, the protégé was expecting his mentor to say many glowing compliments over him…lauding his new practice. Instead, just as the television cameras were about to turn off the wise old lawyer simply but very noticeably put his arm around the young lawyer. Disappointed because the mentor did not ever mention one single word about him, the protégé sulked the whole way home. When the young lawyer entered his apartment, he noticed he had 17 messages awaiting him on his answering machine. To the young man’s glee, he discovered every single message was a prospective new client who had noticed the prominent lawyer had obviously embraced him!

In the same vein, the God of the universe has obviously slipped His arm of favor around you (see Eph. 1:3-6) and transferred His credibility to you! Remember this, one moment of favor is worth a thousand hours of labor!

Next week we will continue our series!