05 Aug 90 % (Because life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you respond to it)
Last week, we began discussing 13 Aspects of Attitude:
1. Attitude is your “advance man”
2. People meet your attitude before they meet you!
This week, let’s continue…
3. Attitude roots are inward, but its fruits are outward.
Whatever is in abundance on the inside will eventually show up on the outside (Matt. 12:33-35).
4. Our attitude is either our best friend or our worst enemy.
I always endeavor to make my attitude my best friend. I take him wherever I go!
5. Our attitude is more honest than our words.
Sometimes our words say “Hallelujah” but our attitude says, “What’s it to ya?” Attitudes don’t lie…words do.
6. Attitude draws people to us.
Not long ago I was in a grocery store in Macon, Georgia. I was captivated by a well dressed man walking through the store singing praise songs and greeting people with the best attitude. I was immediately drawn to him. As I approached the check-out line, I noticed he was directly behind me once again singing and exhibiting a great attitude. I was compelled to buy his groceries. He was overjoyed! He said to me that normally it was him that did this for other people, and that this was the first time anyone had done that for him! Now I’m not saying that if you sing and have a great attitude on your next trip to the grocery store that someone will buy your groceries. But I am saying great attitudes will draw people to you!
7. Attitude repels people from us.
Two of our finest staff members, Keith and Twylla Foust, used to have a dog before they had children. At times on a Wednesday night they would take the dog to church. They would leave him in their car with the windows cracked on pleasant evenings. One evening after church, they encouraged me to come and pet their “lovable dog that never bit anyone”. As I put my hand through the window so he could smell me, this “lovable dog who never big anyone” turned into “Cujo, dog from hell!” Remember the scripture, “If your hand offend thee, cut it off ”? Well I think this dog knew that scripture. Trust me, I never wanted to be around that “lovable dog who never bit anyone” again! Have you ever met people like this? Have you ever met Christian people like this? You see them in the parking lot and hope they didn’t see you. Bad attitudes repels!
Next week, we’ll continue our series.