02 Sep 90% (Because Life is 10% What Happens to you and 90% How You Respond to It)
Last week we began discussing 6 Attitude Axioms:
1) Our attitude determines our approach to life (Prov. 23:7)
This week, let’s continue:
2) Our attitude determines our relationship with people (Rom. 14:19).
Not too long ago, the Stanford Research Institute published an interesting study that revealed the following:
The money you make in any endeavor is determined by:
1. 12.5% product knowledge
2. 87.5% people knowledge
If our entire future is tied to people, don’t you think we should learn to get along with them?! One of the greatest ways to relate with people is to put yourself in their shoes. When your teenage son comes home and says, “I hate basketball!” it may not actually mean he hates basketball at all. It may mean he just got cut from the team. Remember this…compassion always flows from another man’s shoes.
3) Our attitude can be the difference between success and failure (Phil. 4:13).
Attitude is more important than I.Q! I don’t know about you, but if you are like me and don’t have the highest I.Q. in the state, this is good news! You
can have a high I.Q. and low performance. You can have a low I.Q. and high performance! So much of your performance and people skills are tied to your attitude! If you have both a great attitude and high I.Q. then great…we will be working for you one day. But if you have an either/or situation…pick a great attitude!
The Yale University President recently said to The Ohio State University President: “Always be kind to your ‘A’ students. Someday one of them will return to your campus as a good professor. Also be kind to your ‘C’ students. Someday one of them will return and build a $2 million science laboratory.” There is a big difference between success and failure! However there is very little difference between most people. I know people have different personalities, styles, likes and dislikes, but overall there is only one little difference that makes a big difference! That little difference is our attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative!
I am obviously a pastor and a Bible teacher, but I am also an employer. As an employer, one of the fi rst rules of thumb that I adhere to before hiring is I ask myself, “Would I want to spend my day off with this person?” If the answer is no, then that will be the same answer I give to hiring this person! Attitude can be the difference between success and failure!