Kids & Politics – Part 4

Over the last number of weeks we began discussing 5 Outstanding Objectives to Current Event Opinions:

1. Jesus clearly defined marriage (Matt. 19:1-9, Gen. 2:21-24).

We shared with you the primary definition of marriage from Genesis to Revelation:

  1. God separated feminine out of masculine
  2. They were given a desire to be one again
  3. They publicly left their parents
  4. They are permanently united in heterosexual marriage
  5. Sealed by sex
  6. From Genesis to Revelation, there is no other God-approved union

2. The Bible clearly defines homosexuality as sin:

  1. Genesis 19
  2. Lev. 18:22
  3. Ezek. 16:49-50
  4. Rom. 1:18-37
  5. I Cor. 6:9
  6. I Tim. 1:9-10
  7. II Tim. 3:3 8. II Peter 2:6-8
  8. Jude v.7

3. We must have the proper balance of mercy and truth (Prov. 3:1-2, John 1:16-17)

This week, let’s continue…

4.  What should I do?

1.Find a good church that balances biblical mercy and truth, and stay planted in it (Ps. 92:13, Isaiah 4:1-6).

2. Don’t just curse the darkness, but light a candle (Matt. 5:14-16).

  • We should be insulated just not isolated!
  • We are in this world, but not of this world!
  • Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world!
  1. Pray for those in authority and vote for those who support biblical values (I Tim. 2:1-4)
  2. Love the homosexual and hate homosexuality (Jude 18-23)
  3. Bring your intelligent and studied biblical world view to your market place (John 1:16-17)!