28 Oct Kids & Politics – Part 4
Posted at 19:02h
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Over the last number of weeks we began discussing 5 Outstanding Objectives to Current Event Opinions:
1. Jesus clearly defined marriage (Matt. 19:1-9, Gen. 2:21-24).
We shared with you the primary definition of marriage from Genesis to Revelation:
- God separated feminine out of masculine
- They were given a desire to be one again
- They publicly left their parents
- They are permanently united in heterosexual marriage
- Sealed by sex
- From Genesis to Revelation, there is no other God-approved union
2. The Bible clearly defines homosexuality as sin:
- Genesis 19
- Lev. 18:22
- Ezek. 16:49-50
- Rom. 1:18-37
- I Cor. 6:9
- I Tim. 1:9-10
- II Tim. 3:3 8. II Peter 2:6-8
- Jude v.7
3. We must have the proper balance of mercy and truth (Prov. 3:1-2, John 1:16-17)
This week, let’s continue…
4. What should I do?
1.Find a good church that balances biblical mercy and truth, and stay planted in it (Ps. 92:13, Isaiah 4:1-6).
2. Don’t just curse the darkness, but light a candle (Matt. 5:14-16).
- We should be insulated just not isolated!
- We are in this world, but not of this world!
- Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world!
- Pray for those in authority and vote for those who support biblical values (I Tim. 2:1-4)
- Love the homosexual and hate homosexuality (Jude 18-23)
- Bring your intelligent and studied biblical world view to your market place (John 1:16-17)!