23 Dec The View (Because What Gets Your Attention Gets You) Part 8
Over the last number of weeks we have been discussing “6 Very Vivacious Viewpoints Verifying the View”:
1. What I continually see…affects me (Matt. 12:33-35).
2. What I continually see…affects my priority (Matt. 6:22-24).
3. What I continually see…affect my destiny (Prov. 29:15)
4. What I continually see…affects my body (Prov. 4:20-23).
5. What I continually see…affect my family (Deut. 6:4-9)
This week, let’s continue…
6. What you continually see…affects the “goaty” (Gen. 29-30).
Here we see the story of Jacob and Rachel, and I would encourage you to read these chapters for content and background. But after 14 long years, Jacob and Rachel were finally going to leave Laban. He told Laban he would only take the spotted and speckled goats as his reward for working so hard for all those years. Laban readily accepted as the spotted and speckled goats were few and far between. God gave Jacob a dream and Jacob took the goats and painted many so they became actually spotted and speckled. He then took the goats to be refreshed at the watering trough. The goats would refresh themselves and see their reflection in the water and then mate. Low and behold when they mated, their offspring were…you guessed it…spotted and speckled! Now the vast majority of the herd was spotted and speckled. Jacob was able to recover in a short time all Laban had stolen from him for 14 years.
At this point you may be saying, “Pastor Jim, what does this have to do with me?” Here is the powerful principle…if it worked for a goat, it should work for you! You see, the trough of water is a type of the Word of God. If you will reflect yourself with the Word of God by looking regularly into it…you will produce the promise of God in your life!
You see, what you see…affects your “goaty” and what gets your attention, gets you!