Where There’s a Will… There’s a Way! (Because Tenacity is a Necessity to Fulfill your Destiny)

Last week we began discussing that God does not want us to face life with timidity or cowardice, but with His power and His love and sound, stable mind!  In other words, we can have the tenacity that is a necessity to fulfill our destiny!

This week, let’s discuss how!

10 Truths Toward Tenacity:

1. Tenacious people don’t waste time feeling sorry for themselves (Rom. 8:31).

This generation is inundated with a victim’s mentality!  God does not want us to be victims, but victors!  Please allow me to share with you “6 Very Vivacious Victor Verbals”:

 1. Life is not always fair. People are not always fair. God is ALWAYS fair.

If life was fair, then Elvis would still be alive and all the impersonators would be dead! Get over it…life is not always fair. Stop feeling sorry for yourself!

2. You are not a loser…you are a chooser (Deut. 30:19).

Here the Bible tells us, “For I have set before you life and death, therefore choose life.” Many people in the Body of Christ teach about “generational curses”. I truly don’t believe the New Testament substantiates that. I don’t so much believe in generational curses, as I do in generational choices. If you don’t like your life as it is, start making better Biblical choices!

3. A victim believes that others are responsible for his dilemma. Therefore someone else must bring them out of their dilemma. Thereby posturing them to whine and wait, instead of win.

We have a woman here in Joy Church who preaches for me once a year. She is a phenomenal woman of God and a stellar example of what it means to be an overcomer! She was abused in every way imaginable growing up, horrendously so! She grew up in abject poverty in a house with rats and snakes. In her bedroom there was a large hole in her roof and she would have to move just to get out of the rain in her own bedroom!

Because of the horrific abuse and squalor of the condition in which she lived, she finally broke down mentally and emotionally and was put in a mental institution for an extended period of time. Finally, she gave her life to our Lord Jesus and began to renew her mind to the word of God. Not overnight, but over time she became a completely transformed woman of God. Today she is married to a doctor, has two beautiful children and travels all over the country ministering in churches and of course, right here at Joy Church.

A few years back the precious couple came on a mission trip with us and I was talking with her husband about his wife and how she is such an overcomer. In this discussion, her husband looked at me and said something amazing, “Pastor Jim, in spite of all the horrible abuse and tragic life…she has no baggage and no damage!”  That phrase jumped into my heart, “No baggage, no damage.”  That’s exactly how God wants you…with no baggage and no damage!

Next week, we’ll continue our series!