Where There’s a Will There’s a Way (Because Tenacity is a Necessity to Fulfill your Destiny) Part 3

A few weeks ago, we began discussing “6 Very Vivacious Victor Verbals”:

1) Life is not always fair.  People are not always fair.  God is ALWAYS fair.

You are not a loser…you are a chooser (Deut. 30:19).

3) A victim believes that others are responsible for his dilemma. Therefore someone else must bring them out of their dilemma. Thereby posturing them to whine and wait, instead of win.

This week, let’s continue…

4) You have a choice:  You can either be pitiful or powerful!

Why not send an RSVP to your own pity party.  You know there’s only two people who show up at that party anyway…you and the devil!

5) Betrayal is something someone does to youBitterness is something you do to yourself.

6) Don’t get bitter, get better!

Turn your tombstone into a stepping stone.  Turn your setback into a comeback!  After all, tenacity is a necessity if you want to fulfill your destiny!

Next week, we’ll continue our series!