11 Jun Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way (Because Tenacity is a Necessity to Fulfill your Destiny) Part 7
Last week we began to share with you how to be tenacious…remember our key verse, II Timothy 1:7: “God has not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.” Then we began to share with you “10 Truths Towards Tenacity”:
- Tenacious people don’t waste time feeling sorry for themselves (Rom. 8:31).
- Tenacious people don’t hand the reigns of their emotional well-being to another (Phil. 4:4).
This week we continue…
3. Tenacious people embrace change (Ps. 55:19).
Here the Bible tells us, “God shall hear, and afflict them, even he that abideth of old. Because they have no changes, therefore they fear not God.” In other words, because they did not respect God they had no changes. I’ve found that the only constant in life is change!
9 Channels of Change:
1) Sometimes people are more comfortable with old problems than new solutions.
I remember a few years back an older gentleman in his 60’s came up to me after church and shared, ‘I’ve been coming to your church for about six months and I’ve learned more in six months than I have in approximately 60 years in my denomination.” Internally, I was excited and about to give God thanks, and then he finished, “But I’m going back to my old church because I’m more comfortable with the tradition.” Wow, just wow! There’s stupid, and then there’s stupid on a stick!
2) The road to growth always travels through the city of change.
3) God-given change will always create better “normals”
What a giant undertaking it was to move into our new beautiful state of the art facility. It was a huge but God-given change. After being in our new facility for about a year, I can promise you it seems quite normal now…but it is a much better “normal”!
Next week we’ll continue our series!