30 Jun Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way (Because Tenacity is a Necessity to Fulfill your Destiny) Part 10
Over the past few weeks we have been covering “9 Channels of Change” . We have gotten through six of them:
- Sometimes people are more comfortable with old problems than new solutions.
- The road to growth always travels through the city of change.
- God-given change will always create better “normals”
- People tend to keep you where they last saw you. Your change will expose the flesh of others.
- When’s the last time you did something for the first time, and if it’s been a long time…it’s about time!
- You must be willing to initially do something poorly so you can eventually do something excellently.
This week let’s cover the last three…
- You must fight personal complacency. You fall prey to “success disease” when you feel good about where you are and what you have.
As you know, our beautiful new $10.5 million state of the art facility is debt free! We actually paid it off just 11 months after we entered the building! Dave Ramsey actually helped us celebrate this milestone! Well as you can imagine, it would be easy just to kick our feet up on our “spiritual sofa” and admire all God has done. While we, of course, are so grateful for His handiwork, I have discovered that God will not let you rest on your laurels long. He is already beginning to fan the embers of our next assignment. I am expectant once again as we launch into our next assignment (as this assignment becomes public I will be excited to share it with you too)!
- If it ain’t broke…improve it!
If you don’t, I promise you that you will go the way of the dinosaur and Kmart…extinct!
- Never under-estimate the power to change yourself. Never over-estimate the power to change others.
The cardinal rule of change begins with me! My beautiful wife, Anne and I will have been married 25 years in July. I remember when we first were married, I spent a considerable amount of time trying to change her into a logical human being just like me. I only succeeded in frustrating her and me. I had to discover that God wanted to bring me someone to help complete me, not compete with me.
I am the “accelerator” in our marriage, Anne is the brake. You need both! If you’re all accelerator you will drive right off a cliff. If you are all brakes, you will never get anywhere in life. If you have both you will successfully and safely reach your destination!
Next week we will continue in our series!