Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way (Because Tenacity is a Necessity to Fulfill your Destiny) Part 13

Over the last few weeks we have shared on 10 Truths Towards Tenacity:

  • Tenacious people don’t waste time feeling sorry for themselves (Rom. 8:31).
  • Tenacious people don’t hand the reigns of their emotional well-being to another (Phil. 4:4).
  • Tenacious people embrace change (Ps. 55:19).
  • Tenacious people don’t waste energy on things they can’t control (Phil. 2:14).

      “4 No Moan Zone Milestones”:

  1. Focus on what you do have not what you don’t have (I Thes. 5:18).

This week let’s continue with…

  1. Search for the “any” (Phil. 4:8)

Here the Bible tells us, “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”

Notice the Bible doesn’t say if there is “most” or even “some”, but “any”.  In life we must search for and find the “any” in life.  The “any” that is positive! 

A few months ago I met a couple in our guest reception who had been looking for a “good” church for eight long years.  The wife (who was clearly the one with a few issues here) began to give me the extensive list of all that she was looking for in her “church search”.  She went on and on about all the things a church must have in order to meet all her needs.  For eight arduous years she had been searching for her perfect fantasy church.

As we talked I knew her search would last the rest of her life time because that perfect church did not exist.  While it is obviously very important to find a good fit for you and your family, when it comes to the local church the Bible does not say, “But my church shall supply all of your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”  The Bible says, “But MY GOD shall supply all of your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:19)!

There is no such thing as a perfect church or perfect pastor, except for the first church of Heaven pastored by Pastor J. Christ (I wanted to help this woman attend that church quicker than she might think…lol!)  Find a Biblically-based, loving, passionate, outreach-minded, and integrity-oriented church…and look for the “any”!

  1. Be content with your contents (Phil. 4:11)

Here the Bible tells us, “Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.”  Here the Bible teaches us that contentment must be learned.  Please don’t misunderstand me here, the Scripture is not telling us we can’t believe for more or have better…it is simply telling us that at present, we are where we are…so enjoy your life now while believing for better!

Remember this:  Awareness leads to covetousness.  Covetousness means an inordinate desire for something.  It’s not wrong to desire a new house but if you can’t be happy in the one you have, it’s covetousness…an inordinate desire for something.

I am a fisherman.  It’s a hobby I greatly enjoy.  For years I believed God for a boat and put away money towards it so I could pay cash.  Finally I was able to purchase my fishing boat and as I pulled it off the lot my face was lit up like a Christmas tree.  I was one happy fisherman!  As I was traveling home, all of a sudden on the other side of the road I saw a truck that was towing a boat that was very similar to mine only it was a major upgrade!  At that moment I became aware of something better!  I had to remind myself of what I’m telling you today…awareness leads to covetousness.  Don’t get caught up in the trap of “I gotta have” the 4G, then the 5G, then the 6G phone!  At some point, let’s be content with our contents!

  1. Complaining is like bad breath…you notice it when it comes out of someone else’s mouth, but not when it comes out of yours!

Next week we’ll continue our series!