27 Oct Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way (Because Tenacity is a Necessity to Fulfill your Destiny) Part 24
Over the last few months (I clearly have forgotten the proverb, “Blessed are the short-winded, for they shall be invited back.”), we have shared with you our key scripture from II Timothy 1:7, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, of love, and a sound mind.”
We then began to share “10 Truths Towards Tenacity”:
- Tenacious people don’t’ waste time feeling sorry for themselves (Rom. 8:31).
- Tenacious people don’t hand the reigns of their emotional well-being to another (Phil. 4:4)
- Tenacious people embrace change (Ps. 55:19)
- Tenacious people don’t waste energy on things they can’t control (Phil. 2:14).
- Tenacious people are not people pleasers (Prov. 29:25).
- Tenacious people are courageous (Joshua 1:6-9).
- Tenacious people let go of the past (Phil. 3:13-14)
- Tenacious people never resent other’s success (Rom. 12:15).
In this section we shared with you “Four Reasons to Reject Resentment”:
- Jealousy is mediocrity’s tribute to the successful.
- People have a much easer time “weeping” than they do “rejoicing”
- How we respond to others’ success declares our maturity more than how we respond to others’ failures
- You are not a success until you raise up a successor!
This week let’s continue with…
9. Tenacious people just don’t quit (Prov. 24:16).
Here the Bible tells us, “For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again; but the wicked shall fall into mischief.” If you have fallen don’t be like the old lady on the commercial, “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up.” Remember this: Victory is simply getting up one more time than you’ve fallen!
Please allow me to share with you one of our “6 Facets to Fail Forward”:
- Failure is simply an opportunity to begin again more intelligently.
I remember when we first started WCBI, I had the opportunity to share the vision of the Bible school with many pastors at a pastors conference. This was a big moment for the Bible school. If the pastors accepted me and the school’s vision, it could mean we would garner many students to attend. Well, I felt like I did not do a good job at all. In my opinion, I failed (quite miserably) in my effort to present WCBI’s vision to these pastors. Now, I did not craw into a fetal position and give up…I was more determined than ever to represent WCBI more effectively. Within days I had another opportunity to present the Bible Institute to pastors in another state and this time, I did wonderfully! Why? I began again more intelligently!
Next week we will continue our series!