From Here (How to turn your setback into a comeback) part 2

Last week we shared a powerful story along with a biblical powerful truth:  “Rejoice evermore” (I Thes. 5:16).  The Greek word “evermore” means “from this point on”.  In every day language, this powerful verse tells us to live our lives from here!  I have decided a long time ago I’m not going to get bitter…I’m going to get better.  This negative situation is not going to be a tombstone, but a stepping stone.  I’m going to turn this setback into a comeback.  I’m going to live my life from here!

Let’s jump into our series…

Please allow me to share with you “13 Facets to Live a Constructive Life…From Here”:

  1. Part from Pity (Phil. 2:14).

Now let me give you Four Powerful Principles on Pity:

    1. Only two people show up at your pity party…you and the devil.  When I was a sinner I used to go to parties to pick up girls.  At some parties there were always the same old girls.  I would then find another party with new girls.  The only problem was the new girls would see me and find a new party!
    2. Send an RSVP to your own pity party!  Just decide not to show up!
    3. There are three emotions that will keep you stuck in the past…guilt, regret and self-pity.
    4. Self-pity says, “Why me?”  Overcomers say, “Why not me?”

Join us next week as we continue our “13 Facets to Live a Constructive Life…From Here”.