29 Dec From Here (How to turn your setback into a comeback) part 5
There is a man in our church in his thirties who had a pretty rough past. Recently he shared a very unique story with me. During this man’s time before he met Jesus he acquired many tattoos. Now, please don’t mistake me, our Heavenly Father cares about your heart not your tattoos. However, now that he had given his life to Jesus these tattoos were not representative of the life he was now living for Christ. One tattoo was a naked woman and he had many other morbid skull tattoos strategically placed about his body.
Well, he couldn’t go back and remove these tattoos, so he decided to go back to the tattoo parlor and have his tattoos “modified”. First, he had the tattoo artist put clothes on the naked lady and then had his favorite Bible verses added on every skull! I thought that was a creative and hilarious way to go…from here!
Over the past few weeks we have shared with you a key scripture for the series…a very simple, but powerful verse, “Rejoice evermore” (I Thes. 5:16). We discovered that the Greek word translated “evermore” means “from this time on”. In other words, God wants us to live a constructive life from here. We also began to discover “13 Facets to live a Constructive Life…from here”
Join us over the next few weeks as we begin our new year going “From Here!”