From Here (How to turn your Setback into a Comeback) part 7

Over the past few weeks we having been sharing with you a key scripture for the series…a very simple, but powerful verse, “Rejoice evermore” (I Thes. 5:16).  We discovered that the Greek word translated “evermore” means “from this time on”.  In other words, God wants us to live a constructive life from here.  We continue this week with our “13 Facets to live a Constructive Life…from here”:

  1. Part from Pity (Phil. 2:14).
  2. Never let your tragedy become your identity (Mark 5:26).
  3. You can’t unscramble eggs (Eph. 5:16).

We began to share with you “Five Understandings why you Can’t Unscramble Eggs”:

    1. We all have “woulda, shoulda, coulda’s”
    2. If “if’s” and “buts” were candy and nuts…we’d all have a merry Christmas!
    3. One thing I discovered about “yesterday” is that it ended last night.

This week we continue with…

             4. God has a plan for wherever you land (Ps. 113:8-9)

God sees the end from the beginning (see Isaiah 46:10) and therefore He sees you coming out of a trial before you ever come into a trial.  The trial you never saw coming…God has already planned a way of escape (I Cor. 10:13).  Remember this…God knows your “tomorrow’s” better than you know your “yesterdays”.

             5. You can’t change it…but you can redeem it (Eph. 5:16)

We have many police officers in our church and I recently shared this with them.  Therefore if I was bold enough to share it with them, I can certainly share this with you!  Have you ever been traveling to a vacation destination and have an unexpected delay?  I have and on occasion, I have been known to speed up just a little in order to compensate for the delay so we can arrive at our vacation destination on time.  (Now I know you would never do this because you are the holiest person in your church!)

Well, God is much the same way (minus the illegalities!).  We may not be able to change what has occurred but we sure can give it to God and watch him redeem the situation (see II Cor. 4:17-18)!

Next week we continue our series…