From Here (How to turn your Setback into a Comeback) part 12

As many of you know, I am a shark fisherman and last May I took my fishing boat down to South Carolina to fish for big shark from my boat.  I had done this the summer before and I discovered my reel did not hold enough line to bring in the really big sharks.  You know it never occurred to me that “it wasn’t God’s will for me to catch big shark!”  So I simply decided to buy a huge reel that would hold 1500 yards of line so that even Jaws couldn’t get off!  So when my smaller reel wasn’t enough, I traded it in for a bigger reel so I could catch the bigger sharks!  

In the same vein, your Bible tells us, “And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread and in prayers” (Acts 2:42).  Notice the phrase “continued steadfastly”.  Going back to my healing journey from last week, that’s exactly what Anne and I did.  We continued steadfastly in the Word.  Simply stated, we used a bigger reel.  We weren’t trying to work for, earn or deserve the healing that God had already provided for us, we were simply shedding more “light” on the subject!   After six months of getting worse, something began to change in my physical body and here I am 24 years later strong and healthy, and able to do things I could do in my twenties!  All because when I didn’t fully understand, I didn’t let go of what I did know because of what I didn’t know!

I was determined to live my life not from there, but from here!  Now my setback has turned into a comeback!

Remember our key Scripture:  I Thessalonians 5:15, “Rejoice evermore.”  It’s a short but powerful verse.  We discovered that the Greek word for “evermore” meant ‘from this time on’ and in everyday language, “from here”.  

 We have been learning  “13 Facets to live a Constructive Life”:

  1. Part from Pity (Phil. 2:14).
  2. Never let your tragedy become your identity (Mark 5:26).
  3. You can’t unscramble eggs (Eph. 5:16).
  4. What we know is always more important than how we feel (Eph. 6:13-14).
  5. Never let go of what you do know because of what you don’t know (Matt. 11:5-6).

Next week we will continue our series…