From Here (How to turn your Setback into a Comeback) part 19

This week we continue in our series.  As you know our key Scripture is from I Thessalonians 5:16, “Rejoice evermore.”  In this short but powerful verse, we discovered the Greek word translated “evermore” literally means “from this point on”.  In everyday language, it means “from here”.  Then we began to share with you “13 Facets to Live a Constructive Life”:

  1. Part from Pity (Phil. 2:14).  
  2. Never let your tragedy become your identity (Mark 5:26). 
  3. You can’t unscramble eggs (Eph. 5:16).
  4. What we know is always more important than how we feel (Eph. 6:13-14).
  5. Never let go of what you do know because of what you don’t know (Matt. 11:5-6).
  6. Never compound bad decisions with more bad decisions (Rom. 6:19).  
  7. Life is not about “What ifs” but “What now?”  (II Sam. 12:18-24).
  8. Learn to Fail Forward (Phil. 3:13-14).  

Last week we began sharing “6 Failing Forward Facets”:

    1. Let past failures strengthen your resolve for future success.
    2. Failing is an act.  Failure is an attitude

This week we continue with number three..

               3. When you fail…keep your sense of humor (Prov. 17:22).  

Over 31 years of ministry I have come to realize you must keep your sense of humor!  I remember at our old Joy Church facility my office was directly across from one of our children’s ministry classrooms.  I would regularly see one of our children’s ministry workers.  When I would see her I would compliment her nose ring.  I told her on numerous occasions, “Kelly, I like your nose ring.”  Over and over again she would graciously say “Thank you, Pastor.”  One Sunday I came again to my office and again I saw Kelly and said, “Kelly I like your nose ring.”  This time she couldn’t take it anymore.  She said, “Pastor I must finally tell you…it’s not a nose ring, it’s a mole!”  All this time I had been complimenting what I thought was a nose ring…it was a mole!  In life and in ministry, you must keep your sense of humor!  Remember this:  It’s easy to laugh when everything is going right.  It’s important to laugh when everything’s going wrong!

join us next week as we continue “From Here!”