From Here (How to turn your Setback into a Comeback) part 29

Let’s review our key verse for this series found in I Thessalonians 5:16, “Rejoice evermore.”  In this short but powerful Scripture, we discussed the Greek word translated “evermore” literally means “from this point on”.  In every day language, it means “from here”.  Then we began to share with you “13  Facets to Live a Constructive Life”:

  1. Part from Pity (Phil. 2:14).
  2. Never let your tragedy become your identity (Mark 5:26).
  3. You can’t unscramble eggs (Eph. 5:16).
  4. What we know is always more important than how we feel (Eph. 6:13-14).
  5. Never let go of what you do know because of what you don’t know (Matt. 11:5-6).
  6. Never compound bad decisions with more bad decisions (Rom. 6:19). 
  7. Life is not about “What ifs” but “What now?”  (II Sam. 12:18-24).
  8. Learn to Fail Forward (Phil. 3:13-14). 
  9. Get back into motion (Ps. 126:6). 
  10. Clean up, cheer up and choose up (II Sam. 12:20).

This week we continue with…

  1.  Understand life is seasonal (Eccl. 3:1)

Here the Bible tells us, “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.”  Do you remember when Jesus took Peter, James and John up to the Mount of Transfiguration?  (see Matthew 17).  After Jesus had talked with Elijah and Moses, Peter did not want to leave.  He wanted to build three monuments to what had just happened.  However, Jesus needed to get down from that mountain and cast the devil out of a young man.

Remember this:  Unsuccessful people try to hang on to a season long after it’s over.  Successful people learn from every past season and then embrace the new.

Let me illustrate by telling on my wife!  Anne has been married to three people before me, Pastor Jim!  She has been married to a youth pastor, a guy without kids, and a Bible School president!  Now before you start throwing rocks at her…all those people were me!!

You see, in any marriage, you must grow and evolve through seasons together.  If you are a wise spouse you learn from every past season but also embrace the new!  Learn to live your marriage and life…from here!

Next week we’ll continue our series “From Here”.