27 Sep It is What It Is (Discovering the true character of God…because He is not a car-wrecking, cancer causing Creator, but a loving, life giving Lord!) part 9
A few years back there was a horrific shooting at Virginia Tech University. Some mad man went on a rampage and killed many students. It was another horrible national tragedy. Of course, the national media was covering this calamity night and day. Well meaning Christian students came out one after another and said things like, “Well you know, God is in control” and “Everything happens for a reason.” I would cringe as I heard these good-hearted believers make Biblically ignorant statements.
I knew these types of students would only drive unbelievers away from God, not to Him! If I were not a Christian and in the midst of a tragedy like this, if I heard the students say “God is in control”…my first thought would be, “Well He’s not doing a very good job!”
Unfortunately, when believers have been religiously brain washed instead of Scripturally taught, they make statements like the aforementioned. However this only serves to denigrate the true nature and character of our God! Remember the key verse from this series? Hebrews 11:6 tells us, “For without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.”
From these verses we shared with you three very important takeaways:
- Notice the word “cometh”. The Greek tense for the word “cometh” is in the continual tense, meaning it is discussing those who continually come to God. It could read “those that cometh and cometh and cometh to God”. It describes a continual, communicative relationship.
- When we continually come to God, we must believe the “He is” …not He was or He will be. That describes a vast majority of the Body of Christ. “God did a miracle in biblical days” or “One day when we all get to Heaven, He will heal then.” God is not the Great I Was or the Great I Will Be…He is the Great I AM!
- He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Now we’ve left behind three quarters of the Body of Christ. Most don’t believe He is a rewarder…most believe He is a taker!
How we view God is so vital to us! Over the next several weeks please continue to join us as we discover His true character.