01 Aug First Tuesday’s Teaching Tips
The first of each month we share First Tuesday’s Teaching Tips.
These are teaching nuggets from over thirty years in ministry.
What a great way to start the school year, with an encouraging word from my new book:
“Enduring Life Or Enjoying Life, How to never be down, discouraged, or depressed another day in your life!”
If we are to truly enjoy our Christian journey, we have to learn to lighten up and laugh a little –
- If you are really going to enjoy your life, it is absolutely vital to have a sense of humor! – When I was a young man, I would get embarrassed very easily, and that carried over into my early years of Christianity. This caused me to be quite insecure as I walked through many embarrassing situations in my life. However, the Bible tells us, “Don’t be ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation…” (Romans 1:16). Remember, when you are embarrassed, you are controlled. Embarrassment brought on by personal insecurities is fear-based. The only cure for fear of any type is a deep revelation of God’s love for you!
- Learn from it. Laugh at it. Let it go! The Bible also tells us that we are “accepted in the beloved” (Ephesians 1:6). The word “accepted” means highly favored. In Christ (a term that simply means how God sees you because of what Christ has done for you), we are highly favored! When you are accepted by the Best, who cares about the rest? When you see yourself “in Christ,” you can respond to your situations from your position, not your condition! When you are secure, embarrassment will begin to melt away. Now, when you make a mistake (as we all undoubtedly do) you can simply laugh at your self.
- It’s easy to laugh when everything is going right. It’s important to laugh when everything is going wrong. If you want to truly enjoy your life, you must remember the power of laughter. Laughter gives you perspective it. It also reminds your enemy he is defeated. When he gives you his best shot and all you do is laugh, it will discourage him!
Remember we have to learn to lighten up and laugh a little!
Life doesn’t always come tied in a bow, but it is still a gift.
God did not create you to endure your life. God created you to enjoy your life!
~From “Enduring Life Or Enjoying Life?
(available for purchase in the Joy Store at Joy Church, Mt. Juliet, TN)
Join us next week as we jump back into our series Book it!