05 Sep First Tuesday’s Teaching Tips
The first of each month we share First Tuesday’s Teaching Tips.
These are teaching nuggets from over thirty years in ministry.
What a great way to start each month!
This month we share from my new book…
“Enduring Life Or Enjoying Life, How to never be down, discouraged, or depressed another day in your life!”
Remember, praise is to God, but it’s for you!
The key to being a joy-filled person of thanksgiving and praise is to focus on what you do have, not what you don’t!
Focus on how far you have come, not how far you have to go!
Remember we have to learn to lighten up and laugh a little!
Life doesn’t always come tied in a bow, but it is still a gift.
God did not create you to endure your life. God created you to enjoy your life!
~From “Enduring Life Or Enjoying Life?
(available for purchase in the Joy Store at Joy Church, Mt. Juliet, TN)
Join us next week as we jump back into our series Book it!