Book it! (Because a Bible that is falling apart indicates a life that isn’t!) Part 10

This week we are going to jump right into where we left off last week.

We have been sharing “Four Awesome Assignments to Assist you with the Word”:

  1. Activate the Word

Three ways to activate God’s Word:

         1.) Faith activates the Word (Heb. 4:2)

         2.) Revelation activates faith (Eph. 1:18)

         3.) Meditation activates revelation (Joshua 1:8).

     2. Accept the Word (Matt. 7:24-27).

No matter what comes your way…sunshine or storms…let the Word of God have the final say!

“Yes but Pastor, I don’t fully understand it.”  You eat three times a day and you don’t fully understand digestion.  No matter what comes your way, no matter what the culture says…make the Word of God final authority in your life!

Now please allow me to break down the aforementioned words of Jesus so you can better understand these truths:

  1. The house…represents your life
  2. The rock…represents the inconvenient road built on God’s Word
  3. The sand…represents the convenient road built on feelings and culture
  4. The rain and the floods…represent the storms of life that come to everyone



  • In life you are either preparing or repairing.
  • Your life will be one of fitness or fix it.
  • The cost of discipline is high.  The cost of regret is always higher.


In these uncertain times, God wants you solid as a rock by making His Word the final authority in your life!  

    3. Assimilate the Word (II Tim. 3:16-17).


In other words, whatever I hold back from God I ultimately lose.  Whatever I give to God I ultimately gain!  

Assimilate God’s Word into every area of your life and let His Word govern your decision making process in every area of your life!  

Let His Word govern your money, your attitude, your relationships, your marriage, your child training, your health and your integrity!


Remember this:  The income of God’s Word will produce the outcome of a changed life!

This week we continue with…

     4. Apply the Word (James 1:22).


Here the Bible tells us, “But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.”  The Greek word translated “hearers” is “akraotes”.  This Greek word is an academic word and it is referring to one who audits a class.  They are there only for the lecture.  They have no homework and no tests.

You see, as a pastor, I have noticed that people bring one of two “tools” to church.  They either bring a rake and apply the Word to themselves, or they will bring a shovel and throw the word they hear onto someone else.  “Oh, I wish my husband was here to hear this…he needs this!”  “I wish so and so was here at church to hear Pastor Jim’s message because they need that.”  No…YOU need this!  Don’t shovel it away…rake it in!  Take the Word home with you.  Don’t just audit the class…do the homework!

Come back next week with your rake as we continue our series…