Book it! (Because a Bible that is falling apart indicates a life that isn’t!) Part 12

My goal for you in this series is three-fold:

  1. To love the Word
  2. To learn the Word
  3. To live the Word

Over the last number of months we have shared with you two “Bible beholdings”:

  1. If you want to know God you must know the Bible.
  2. Prayer is talking to God.  The Bible is God talking to us.

We then began to share with you “Four Awesome Assignments to Assist you with the Word”:

  1. Activate the Word

Three ways to activate God’s Word:

             1) Faith activates the Word (Heb. 4:2)

             2) Revelation activates faith (Eph. 1:18)

             3) Meditation activates revelation (Joshua 1:8).

      2. Accept the Word (Matt. 7:24-27).

      3. Assimilate the Word (II Tim. 3:16-17).

      4. Apply the Word (James 1:22).

This month let’s continue…

To truly love, learn and live the Word of God…you must trust the Word of God!  That is not the easiest thing in the world to do as this culture is attacking the validity of the Bible in a vicious way.

As you know, one of my hobbies is fishing.  In the spring, there is a certain type of fish that swims into shallow water here in a local lake.  When this occurs, I put on waders and fish from the shallow waters near the shore.  There is an older gentleman who always comes and fishes with me.  He is a retired principal and living up in the world of academics, he is quite the intellectual.  I have shared Jesus with this gentleman on many occasions.

Over the years, he has studied to see if he can “stump the pastor”.  As each new spring would roll around and we would see one another again, it seemed he had purposely studied something that questioned the validity of the Bible.  Each spring he would trot out his latest findings to see if he could win an intellectual argument.  With each argument he had, I would lovingly give him Biblical apologetics that would easily answer his inquiries.  I would regularly tell him, “This is just another hammer that man uses against the anvil…but anvils always out-last hammers!”

Over the next number of months I am going to share with you some fascinating truths that will help you defend the Word of God to an antagonistic culture.

Come back next week as we continue this series…