27 Feb Book it! (Because a Bible that is falling apart indicates a life that isn’t!) Part 24
First let’s review…
For the last few weeks we have begun to discover some Truths to Trust God’s Word:
- The Bible is historically accurate (Ps. 33:4)
Three Tests of Historical Accuracy:
- Eyewitness accounts (I cor. 15:6)
- The Bible was recorded and copied with extra care.
- Archaeological confirmation
2. The Bible is scientifically accurate (I Tim. 6:20)
5 Scientific Stupidities:
1.) The earth was flat
2.) The earth was held up by something
3.) The number of stars could be counted
4.) Medical science
5.) Contagious diseases
3. The Bible is prophetically accurate (Matt. 26:56)
4. The Bible is thematically unified.
5. The Bible is trusted by Jesus (Matt. 5:18)
6. The Bible has enduring power (Luke 21:33)
3 Enduring Entities:
- The Bible is the most despied, derided, denied, dissected, debated and destroyed book ever. However, it still endures and no one can stop it.
- What will you make final authority in your life…the Word or the world?
- There are times when you read it and there are times when it reads you
Last week we began with…
7. The Bible has transforming power (John 8:31-32)
Here the Bible tells us, “Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him. If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed: And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
This is my 35th year of ministry and throughout that time frame I have often told people concerning the Bible, “Take the recipe, go into the kitchen and cook with it. Just see if that recipe produces something pretty tasty.” Meaning, simply take the Word of God as it is a recipe for success, into the “kitchen” of your life and cook with it! Not over night, but over time…it will always produce something tasty and satisfying in your life! Continue in it…don’t just try it but continue in it and it will transform your life too!
Then we broke down these powerful verses in a more detailed fashion. The Greek word translated “continue” is the Greek word “meno”. “Meno” means to “abide” or “remain as a habit.” The Greek word translated “know” in this verse is the word “ginosko” which denotes a knowing deep in your heart. With this in mind, please allow me to share with you “Three Freedom Facets”:
- If there is an area in your life that is not free…there is something you don’t know.
- It’s not the truth that makes you free…it’s the truth that YOU know that makes you free!
- There is a difference between “set” and “make”.
Many times we quote John 8:31-32 like this, “The truth shall set you free”. However the Bible does not say “set” it says “make” and there is a big difference! If you are “set” free it’s as if you are in jail and I alone hold the prison keys. Therefore it is up to me to come along and “set” you free. If you are “made” free, it’s as if you are in prison and I hand you the prison keys and now you can release yourself anytime you choose. I watch so many Christians who look to be “set” free. They look to the latest revival or special conference or famous TV preacher to “set” them free. However, if you will continue in the Word for yourself…you will have the keys to your own freedom! You will be made permanently free!
This week we continue our series…
Please allow me to share with you “Four Characteristics concerning Continuing in the Word”:
- Make it the foundation of your life (Matt. 7:24).
Here the Bible tells us, “Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock”. Here the Word of God clearly tells us that the storms of life will come to all our lives but if our foundation is built on hearing and doing the Word, our house (life) will stand!
Now before we go any further let me share with you different foundations that will surely not uphold you in this house. Let’s call them “Four Faulty Foundations”:
1.) Popular culture.
Popular culture comes and goes. It is so funny to me to watch people who think they are creative and different. I went to a ministerial conference a few years back. This conference was known and advertised for being very creative. Therefore all the “creative” leaders came from all over the country to get even more “creative”. The hilarious thing to me was that all of the “creative and different” ministry leaders were almost identically the same! They dressed alike, they talked alike and they acted alike…all in the name of “creative and different”!
Pop culture comes and goes, so if you build your life on it…this will always be a faulty foundation!
Next month we’ll continue our series.