I Can! ~Developing a “whatever it takes attitude”! Part 4

Over the past few weeks we have been sharing four basic types of people in life:

  1. Cop-outs…they have no God-given goals and make no decisions
  2. Hold-outs…they have God-given goals but are afraid to respond to the challenge
  3. Drop-outs…they have God-given goals but quit when things get tough
  4. All-outs…they have God-given goals and get them done…whatever it takes!

Then we launched into…

10 Keys to Kindling an “I Can” Attitude:

    1. Reject an “I can’t” attitude (Mark 2:4).  
    2. Take the bull by the horns (Phil. 3:12).
    3. Enter the “No Moan Zone” (Phil. 2:14).
    4. Empathize don’t criticize (Ezek. 3:15).

This week let’s continue with:

                5. Fan the flame of your passion (II Tim. 1:6)

Here the Bible tells us, “Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands.”  The Greek word translated “stir up” is anazoporeo.  This powerful word is made up of three Greek words: “ana” which means “again”, “zoe” which means “to make alive”, and “poreo” which means “fire”.  Put these three words together and it literally means “again make alive the fire”.

Notice the verse does not say pray to God and He will light your fire.  It tells you and me that we need to “flick our own bic”.

Please allow me to share with you “Two Passion Power Points”:

  1. Passion that is not seen is passion that is not gleaned.  When you really have passion, your heart will notify your face!
  2. Passion is revealed in pursuit.

People tell me from time to time that they have a passion for this or that.  They’ll say something like “I have a passion to play the guitar.” I’ll then ask them “Have you ever taken guitar lessons?”  “Well, no” they’ll say. “Do you actually own a guitar?” “Well, no” they quietly mutter. That person doesn’t have a passion, that person has an idea.  

When you are truly passionate about something, you’ll pursue that something.  That includes God!

Remember this:  Passionate people put everything they’ve got into everything they do!