I Can! ~Developing a “whatever it takes attitude”! Part 8

We have been sharing 10 Keys to Kindling an “I Can” Attitude

1. Reject an “I can’t” attitude (Mark 2:4).

2. Take the bull by the horns (Phil. 3:12).

3. Enter the “No Moan Zone” (Phil. 2:14).

4. Empathize don’t criticize (Ezek. 3:15).

5. Fan the flame of your passion (II Tim. 1:6).

6. Go the second mile…over and over again (Matt. 5:41).

7. Quit stewing and start doing (James 1:22).

8. Respond well to change (Ps. 55:19).

This week let’s continue with…

9. Initiate and Finish (II Tim. 4:7).

Jesus said, “It is finished” (John 19:30). Paul said “I’ve fought the good fight and finished the course” (II Tim. 4:7). Anyone can begin something. Starting something is usually easy.

Referring back to my shark story from two weeks ago…the first hour of the fight was relatively easy. However as the fight labored on I had people in the crowd start to say “How long are you going to do this?” I’ve heard others say, “I would just cut the line after two hours.” I told the crowd and I’m telling you if I had to fight that shark until dawn I would’ve done so. I simply would have asked my wife to bring me some breakfast!

Remember this: Starters and quitters are common…finishers are a rare bird!

Join us next week as we continue our series…