22 Aug Hopes & Habits (Because you can’t have uphill hopes and downhill habits) Part 2
Last week we jumped into our new series.
Before we continue let’s review…
Last week we learned that…
You can have valid and wonderful uphill hopes, but if you have downhill habits you will always be going around the same mountain on a yearly basis!
Then we began to share with you “Eight Habit Helpers”:
- Hope is not a strategy (Heb. 6:19).
Hope is important (see Prov. 13:12, Heb. 11:1) but it’s still not a strategy.
2. The things we do and the things we should do don’t always line up (Rom. 7:19).
Don’t feel bad this is mankind’s proverbial struggle. We all deal with this struggle (read Romans 7).
This week let’s continue with three more:
3. The two greatest gaps in life are “wanting and having” and “knowing and doing”. If you’ll close the second gap, the first gap will automatically close.
“I want a better marriage” is a wonderful and Biblical hope. However wanting and having are two different things. Many of us know how to have a better marriage (see Ephesians 5) but are we willing to do it? If you close the gap of “knowing and doing” you’ll automatically close the gap of “wanting and having”.
4. We are what we repeatedly do.
Just because you lied doesn’t make you a liar. However if you lie all the time, guess what…liar, liar pants on fire!
5. We form our habits then our habits form us.
Join us next week as we share the rest of our “Eight Habit Helpers”.