12 Feb Hopes & Habits (Because you can’t have uphill hopes and downhill habits) Part 20
What’s “next” in your life is always determined by what’s “now” in your life! All of us want a better “next” but what are you willing to do “now” to determine that better “next”?
Many times we procrastinate away a better future by neglecting our today! Sometimes we don’t start today because we are overwhelmed by all the things we need to change. That’s why the Bible refers to itself as a “mirror” (see James 1). However that Greek word translated “mirror” denotes a small hand held mirror. Have you ever awakened in the morning and then stood before a full-length mirror? It can be overwhelming all the things we need to change and therefore we don’t even start!
On the contrary, God’s Word will simply show us one area at a time that we need to fix and like dominoes once we fix one area it cascades into another. Before you know it, we have spiritual momentum in our lives and begin to make progress!
May I encourage you? In 2019 don’t be overwhelmed by all you need to change. Let’s simply connect our uphill hope with uphill habits…one at a time.
Remember what we have learned over the last few months…
We have shared with you “8 Habit Helpers”:
- Hope is not a strategy (Heb. 6:19).
- The things we do and the things we should do don’t always line up (Rom. 7:19).
- The two greatest gaps in life are “wanting and having” and “knowing and doing”. If you’ll close the second gap, the first gap will automatically close.
- We are what we repeatedly do.
- We form our habits then our habits form us.
- Always point your saying, sowing and serving in the same direction.
- Always point your mouth, money and ministry in the same direction. Again, this is the same principle as #6 but said in a little different way.
- Habit will take you further than desire.
Then we shared with you “3 Different Dynamics”:
- Renew your hope (Prov. 13:12).
- Repent from your past (Rom. 2:4).
- Redefine your habits (Heb. 5:13-14).
Then we began to share with you “Four Biblical Habits” that will radically change your life:
- Focus on firsts (Matt. 6:33).
Four “First” Facets:
- What you do first reveals who you are.
- Whatever you prize you will prioritize.
- Whatever you put first you set up to meet your needs.
- First things have power
Three “First” Formulas:
- Give God the first of your month…scheduling and budgeting
- Give God the first of your week…worshipping and resting
- Give God the first of your day…studying and praying
“Three Alignment Aspects”:
- If God is simply on your list, your life will be misaligned. If God is at the top of your list, your life will be aligned.
- God models what He expects. He put us first by going first.
- Expect the rest to be blessed.
Then we shared our next Biblical Habit…
2. Foster new thoughts (Rom. 12:2).
“Two Change Challenges”:
- God-given change is both possible and profitable.
- God-given change creates better “normals”.
“Seven Channels of Change”:
- Change your “saying” (James 3:3-4).
- Change your “thinking”
- Changing your thinking changes your expecting (Ps. 62:5)
- Changing your expecting changes your attitude (Eph. 4:23)
- Changing your attitude changes your behavior (II Pet. 3:11)
- Changing your behavior changes your performance (II Cor. 2:14)
- Changing your performance changes your life (John 10:10)
Next week join us as we share our Third Biblical Habit!