16 Apr Hopes & Habits (Because you can’t have uphill hopes and downhill habits) Part 27
Last week I shared with you that I have some really large trees in my back yard. If I used an axe and simply gave one of my large trees five big “whacks” every day…eventually that tee would fall! Many times we try and cut down a huge tree all at once. We then get tired and quit. Then we never go back to it overwhelmed by the size of the tree. Remember this: You will never change your life unless you change what you are doing on a daily basis.
Then I offer you five of my personal daily dynamics?
- Daily spend time in the Word
- Daily spend time in prayer
- Daily love those closest to me
- Daily encourage someone
- Daily eat right and exercise
I shared that I’ve been taking these five “whacks” at my figurative trees for 25 years. Remember this: Your daily decisions must match the size of your vision. Diligence is doing little things, for a long time…until it makes a BIG difference!
Today let’s continue…
Now, your five “whacks” may not be the same five that I have followed on a daily basis, however please allow me to give you three broad categories that everyone’s five “whacks” should fall under:
- ) Make time for renewal (II Cor. 4:16).
Everyone should spend personal time with God on a daily basis. I heard the story of a virtuoso violinist. He shared very openly that if he did not practice for one day, he could tell. If he did not practice for two days, his fellow musicians could tell. If he did not practice for three days, his audience could tell. Every day spend time with Jesus for renewal.
2.) Make time for relationships (Rom. 14:19).
Make time for your family. Make time for your friends. Relationships are much like your bank account…no deposits, no withdrawals. Many deposits…many withdrawals. Big in…big out! Little in…little out!
3.) Make time for rewards (II Cor. 5:10).
Here the Bible tells us, “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.” There is coming a time when all we have left is what we’ve given to God! That’s why I am such a big proponent of the local church…it gives you an opportunity and platform to make a difference for Jesus!
Remember this: One day we will all have to give an account for how we leveraged our time, talent and treasure for the Lord!
Next week we will continue our series…