Ministry Milestones Part 1

Here at Joy Church/World Changers Bible Institute we recently hosted our annual Joy Ministerial Exchange.  Annually we minister to ministers and help pastor pastors!   This month I thought I would share something different with you.  I wanted to impart to you all that I imparted to our guest ministers.  I believe that wisdom will assist you in a dramatic way! Let’s get started!

12 Ministry Milestones:

  1. Great leaders don’t do more.  Great leaders do more of what matters most.

I’ve studied biblical leadership for decades and I’ve watched leaders when they reach a “ceiling” in their lives or ministry.  Their normal reaction is to simply do more. However, over 35 years of ministry, I’ve discovered when you chase two rabbits they both get away (see James 1:6-8).  Please don’t ever confuse activity with productivity, or busy for fruitful!  Great leaders don’t just do more.  They do more of what matters most!

2. Limitations breed innovations.

So many times in life we encounter what seems like limitations.  However we serve an unlimited God! Why not turn limitations into innovations?  Zaccheus was limited by his height but was innovative enough to climb a tree to see Jesus!  The crippled man and his four friends were limited and could not get to Jesus because of the crowd.  They were innovative enough to get on the roof and lower the man to his Healer (see Mark 2)!

The Bible tells us in Proverbs 16:26 (Amp), “The appetite of the laborer works for him, for the need of his mouth urges him on.”  Let your “hunger” drive you to finding innovations!  When we first started in ministry we were very limited by our lack of finances (and just about everything else too).  However, rather than causing us to be discouraged and give up…we simply became more innovative!

Join us next week as we continue to share more Ministry Milestones!