10 Sep Ministry Milestones Part 4
Last month we began sharing a teaching from our Joy Ministerial Exchange. Annually we minister to ministers and help pastor pastors! Let’s review…
12 Ministry Milestones:
- Great leaders don’t do more. Great leaders do more of what matters most.
- Limitations breed innovations.
- Pastors like crowds, but sometimes they forget to love people.
- There are two kinds of people in life:
- It’s not happy people who are thankful…it’s thankful people who are happy!
- Big purpose will always help you overcome the criticism of small people.
- Little compromises that no one sees produce great failure that everyone sees.
This month let’s continue….
8. Little sacrifices that no one sees produce great successes that everybody wants.
The Bible tells us in Proverbs 12:27, “The lazy man does not roast what he took in hunting, but diligence is man’s precious possession.” Notice the phrase “diligence is our precious possession.” My personal definition of diligence is: doing little things, for a long time, until it makes a big difference. Therefore you could paraphrase this verse: “Doing little things for a long time until it makes a big difference is your precious possession.”
Never belittle the little. The entire kingdom of God is wrapped around a little seed (see Mark 4:26). Every great storm begins with a little cloud. Every great door revolves around a little hinge. Every great harvest comes from a little seed. You will always be evaluated by what you do with the little no one sees.
Joseph prophesied to a baker in jail when no one saw, before he ever was released to do so with Pharaoh when so many saw! David killed the lion and the bear while protecting Jacob’s sheep when no one saw before he was ever released to kill Goliath publically! Remember this: What we do by candlelight when no one sees determines who we are in the limelight where everyone sees!
The Bible tells us to have diligent hands (see Prov. 10:4). The Bible tells us to have diligent plans (see Prov. 21:5)! The Bible tells us to be diligent about our calling (see II Peter 2:10). The Bible tells us to be diligent about guarding our hearts (see Prov. 4:23). Finally, the Bible tell us that God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him (see Hebrews 11:6). Diligence is your precious possession!
There are certain little things that I have done diligently over the years that have now produced a big difference. Every day I start off with the Word of God and prayer! Every day I eat broccoli, blueberries and drink decaffeinated green tea. Every day I eat healthy. Five times a week I exercise. Every paycheck I tithe and then put some money away in savings. All these little practices over a long time have now made a big difference!I’m 57 years old and have a wonderful relationship with my Jesus, with my wife and with my teenage son! I have the energy and vitality of someone in their late 20’s. Our ministry is completely out of debt. Personally we have no debt whatsoever! Doing little things, for a long time, truly does make a BIG difference!
join us next month as we continue this series…