Ministry Milestones Part 6

Over the past few weeks we have been sharing teaching from our recent Joy Ministerial Exchange Annually we minister to ministers and help pastor pastors!   Before we jump in, let’s review…

12 Ministry Milestones:

  1. Great leaders don’t do more.  Great leaders do more of what matters most.
  2. Limitations breed innovations.
  3. Pastors like crowds, but sometimes they forget to love people.
  4. There are two kinds of people in life:
  5. It’s not happy people who are thankful…it’s thankful people who are happy!
  6. Big purpose will always help you overcome the criticism of small people.
  7. Little compromises that no one sees produce great failure that everyone sees.
  8. Little sacrifices that no one sees produce great successes that everybody wants.  
  9. Discover the difference between being tired and depleted.  If you are tired, a day of physical rest is all you need.  If you are depleted, you need to be replenished!
  10. Gifts and callings are irrevocable, anointings and sendings are not (Rom. 11:29).

This week we continue with…

11. Learn to set up an environment where you can be corrected by the wisdom of mentors, but protected from the wounds of critics.

We all need to be accountable and teachable!  Don’t be a know it all, be a learn it all!  The more I know, the more I know I need to know.  It’s important to have mentors in our lives…mentors are short-cuts.  They can teach you in an hour what it’s taken them a lifetime to learn.

Conversely, you must protect yourself from the words of critics.  Social media has fostered a place for critics to thrive. It’s easy to hide behind “computer courage” and post things on social media that you would never say to another man’s face.  It’s always easier to criticize from afar than it is from up close!

Remember this:  Just because it gets your attention doesn’t mean it deserves your attention!

12. Life is short, make it count!  Life is long, pace yourself.

This truly seems to be a paradox in our thinking.  However both statements are biblically true and they don’t contradict…they compliment.  The Bible tells us that our lives compared to eternity are but a vapor (see James 4:14).  The Greek word for “vapor” means “a puff of smoke”. Remember this: When you have a revelation of eternity, it will change how you live your life today!

Conversely, if you don’t want to burn out…you must pace yourself.  “Yes, Pastor Jim, but I’d rather burn out for God than rust out for the devil!”  How about neither! “Yes, but Jesus ministered day and night with not a whole lot of rest!”  Yes, but Jesus only ministered for three and a half years, had no wife, no children and no sin…and died at 33 years of age.  He also still delegated!

Learn to live the proper balance of:  Life is short…make it count! Life is long…pace yourself!