21 Jul Psalm 91 (Protecting your family in Dangerous Times) PART 12
This week let’s pick back up at verse 11.
First let’s review, in verses 11 and 12 here is where we tap into angelic protection.
We began to share with you “5 Angel Aspects”:
- Your angels protect you in all your ways….of obedience. The Amplified Bible literally tells us that your angels will keep you “in all your ways of service and obedience.” Don’t expect angelic protection as you speed to the nearest bar (unless it’s a salad bar!)!
Remember this: You can’t win from a losing position. Remember this also: James 4:7 tells us to “Submit yourselves to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” If your “resister” isn’t working…check your “submitter”!
2. Every one of you has a ministering angel (see Psalm 37:7, Hebrews 1:14).
3. Angels are not to be worshipped (see Col. 2:18).
4. You activate your angel by speaking the Word (see Psalm 103:20). The more you speak the Word the more your angel will respond on your behalf.
5. Your angel’s last assignment is to carry you to Heaven (Luke 16:22).
Now let’s look at verse 13. Treading on the lion and adder (in the Hebrew this word “adder” means snake) and the young lion and dragon are all figurative references to the devil and his demons. Let’s look at the New Testament for a good comparison Scripture to this one. “Behold I give you power (the Greek word “exusia” which means “authority”) to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy” (Luke 10:19).
In the New Testament, the devil is defeated and Jesus has given us authority over him in our lives. Remember this: Our authority is the channel through which God’s power flows! Remember this also: What God has delegated TO you….He will not do FOR you!
Now let’s look at verses 14-16. Simply because we have set our love on God, He will deliver us out of whatever we are going through…IF you will believe the promise. That Hebrew word “deliver” means “to slip out” or “carry away safely.” Because we have known His name, God promises us when we call upon Him…He will be with us in trouble. The Hebrew word for “trouble” here means “adversity, affliction, anguish, distress, test, tried or tribulation.”
John 16:23 tells us, “…whatsoever you ask the Father in my name (Jesus speaking), He will give it to you.” God won’t just “be with us in trouble” but He will be with us to “deliver and honor us.” Then God will satisfy (the Hebrew word here means “to fill with satisfaction, have plenty of and to be full of”) us with long life, and show us His salvation. The Hebrew word for “salvation” will surprise you. It is the Hebrew word “Yeshua,” the Hebrew word for “Jesus”!! It is from a root word that means “deeds of deliverance, help, prosperity, security and safety”!
Finally, let’s look at the Practicalities of Protection.
The Bible tells us in Luke 22:36, “Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his script; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.”
Here Jesus is telling His disciples now that He is leaving them physically, it’s good to protect yourself practically. While we clearly believe in divine protection, the Bible is full of using practical examples to protect ourselves. Paul was let over a wall in a basket at midnight to protect him from those who sought to harm him (see Acts 9:23-25). Even Jesus didn’t travel in a certain area when they sought to take Him (see John 7:1).
Therefore, it is wise to lock your door, buy a gun or in this day and age…use “Germ X”! However, just don’t put your trust in those. Dwell, abide, say and trust…and these powerful promises of God in Psalm 91:3-16! You can protect your family….even in dangerous times!