Over the last number of months we began our discussion with “Six Submit Standards”:

  1. There is a difference between submit and surrender. (Mark 8:34-35)

Remember this:  Always submit yourself to God, but never surrender to the devil!

  1. You must get under what is over you, in order to get over what is under you!  (James 4:7)

Remember:  If your “resister” isn’t working….check up on your “submitter.”

  1. There are certain things you should submit to and there are certain things you should resist. (John 10:10)

4. Just because it happened, does not automatically mean it is the will of God.  Just because it is the will of God, doesn’t automatically mean it will happen!

5. If you believe everything that happens is the will of a sovereign God, it will put you in a state of non-resistance to the devil.  (James 3:13-17)  

Last month we shared…

6. You can’t leave up to God what He left to you. (Mark 16:15-20)

Trust is relinquishing to God what you can’t control.  Delegated authority is taking responsibility for what you must control.  

Remember this:  Many people are waiting on God, what if God is waiting on you?  

Then we began to talk about that delegated authority. 

“Six Authority Aspects”:

1.) God works through representation. (John 13:20)

When God wants to bless you, He will send someone to you!  If you don’t receive who God sends, you won’t receive what He intends!

2.) Once God delegates something to you, He will not do it for you. (Luke 10:16-20)

3.) Authority is the channel through which God’s power flows. (Eph. 1:15-23)  

This week we continue…

4.) You must understand the Word behind the name. (Acts 3:16, Ps. 138:2)

Here the Bible says, “And his name through faith in his name hath made this man strong, whom ye see and know: yea the faith which is by him hath given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all.”  And Psalm 138:2 says, “I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for your lovingkindness and for your truth, for you have magnified your word above all your name.”

These two wonderful passages tell us that God clearly prioritizes His Word above His name!  In 36 years of ministry, I have seen a lot of people use the name of Jesus as some kind of lucky rabbit’s foot.  They might as well say “Twinkle, twinkle little star how I wonder where you are.”  You can clearly see a Biblical account of this with the seven sons of Sceva who used the name of Jesus but had very bad results (see Acts 19:13-17)!  

As you can see, it’s not just His name but faith in His name that gets results (Acts 3:16).  Remember this:  Faith can only be found where the Word of God is known.