I know a pastor that is a “loud talker!”  Because he is a pastor and preaches all the time he has no idea that he is talking so loud.  His wife will literally have to tell him, “Honey, you’re talking loudly!”  From time to time I will do the same thing….I will talk loudly because I preach so much!  The big difference…I am aware when I talk loudly and therefore I can tell myself, “Jim lower the volume a few decibels.”  

That is a pretty good definition of deception.  We all blow it from time to time, but it is important to be aware when we sin or make mistakes.  When we are not aware it is a great indication of deception.  

Our key verse reads, “Now the Spirit speaks expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils” (I Tim. 4:1).  In this powerful verse the Greek word translated “expressly” means “clearly or vividly.”  The Greek word translated “last” is “hystemos” which means “last of the last.”  The Greek word for “depart” is “aphistemi” which means “to step away from, to resist, to desert or withdraw.”  The Greek word for “seducing” is “planos” which means to “slowly wander away.”

If you’ll give me a little liberty, this verse could easily be paraphrased from the Greek language like this:  ‘The Spirit speaks clearly or vividly in the last of the last days, that some should step away from and desert the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits (which will tempt people to slowly walk away from the Word) and doctrines of devils.’  In other words, deception will be a huge weapon of the enemy to get some to slowly walk away from the Word of God!

Here is the good news…YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE A ‘SOME’!  

As you can see, the war is over the Word of the Living God!  Last month we shared with you “Seven WORD War Wonders”:

  1. The war is over the Word (Gen. 3:1)
  2. The Word is the most powerful force in the universe (Heb. 1:3)
  3. God’s blessing resides within the Word (Gen. 1:28)
  4. God’s Word is written for a reason (I John 5:13)

This month let’s continue our series:

  1. The Word of God is breathed by God (II Tim. 3:16-17)

Here the Bible says, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:  That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.”  Notice the phrase “inspired by God.”  This phrase is one Greek word “theopneustas.”  It is a compound Greek word “theos” or “God” and “pneustas,” which means “breathe.”  Put these two Greek words together and it literally means “God-breathed.”  All Scripture is written by men but breathed by God.  If I blew up a balloon you could literally find my DNA contained within it simply because it was my breath that put air in that balloon!  In the same way, the Bible while historically accurate, is not some history book!  It is literally God-breathed!

Remember this:  The Word of God is not just something…the Word of God is Someone!  You don’t just read the Bible…it reads you!

  1.  The Spirit of God will never lead you outside the Word of God (John 16:13)

In Genesis chapter one you can see the story of creation.  You can see the Spirit of God “brooding” over the face of the earth.  However, the Spirit of God never went into action until the Word of God went forth.  

In Ephesians 6:17 the Bible talks specifically about the “sword of the Spirit” which is the Word of God.  When you are holding a sword what comes first….your hand or the sword?  When you point it at your enemy, the sword always comes first.  In the same vein, the Word precedes the Spirit.  Therefore the Spirit of God will never lead you outside the Word of God.  If you had a dream or prophecy or word that differs from the Word of God, chalk that dream, prophecy or word off to pepperoni pizza you had the night before!Remember this:  Scripture prevents you from making a purely emotional decision.  The Spirit prevents you from making a purely rational decision.

Join us next week as we continue in our series…